Call Brett or Jennifer 888-798-0596 or Email

Consultation with Jennifer

Call Jennifer 888-798-0596 Ex 700

Consultation with Brett

Call Brett 888-798-0596 Ex 702

Mix & Match

Mix and match to fit your budget and space! Build as little or as many stations or gazebos as needed. With complete modularity, you can add sections each year too!

Netform Tunnel

Unit price

Single Rope Ladder

Unit price


Unit price

NetForm Vertical Net (Elevator)

Unit price

Clambering Loop Run with 4" Walk Rope

Unit price

Clambering Loop Run with 5/8" Walk Rope

Unit price

New-Clambering Net Run with 4" Walk Rope

Unit price


Unit price

Standard V-Bridge

Unit price

Camel V-Bridge (with Hump)

Unit price

Wavy V-Bridge (3 Humps)

Unit price


Unit price

Why a Low Ropes Course?

Proven Popularity

Quickly becoming one of the most popular additions to playgrounds, parks, campgrounds and agritourism farms. We've helped venues all across the country add this new attraction, including: Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, Calgary Corn Maze, Basse's Taste of Country, Stokoe Farms, Pride of Wapsi, The MAiZE at Little Darby Creek, Vala's Pumkin Patch, Cornbelly's and more. Over and over, venues are reporting how much customers are loving this new addition!

Safe For All Ages

Kids and "kids at heart" climb for enjoyment, challenge, to explore and gain new perspectives. Interactive elements like bridges, tunnels and climbing nets provide a versatile solution for all ages to engage the benefits of climbing in a comfortable, dependable, low-to-the-ground safe environment. 

High Put-Through

Designed for high-traffic environments, a properly-designed ropes course can entertain 100+ guests at a time with a put-through time that easily allows you to entertain crowds...even on your busiest days!

Low Labor Costs

With labor typically being one of our largest expenses, one benefit of this attraction is that it requires very few employees to operate it. With just one or two employees to monitor the crowds, you can keep your labor costs low while entertaining 100+ guests at a time.

Spacing & Size

Station and tower size can vary but standard distance between each station is 15 feet 6 inches. The average size of a 9 Station Low Ropes Course is 60x70.

Example 1: Harbes Family Farm

Click the hotspots to see what items were used in this ropes course at Harbes Family Farm in New York.

Example 2: Roba Family Farms

Click on the hotspots to see what items were used in this ropes course at Roba Family Farms in Pennsylvania.


Take A Spin

Take a look at a 3D rendering of a 9-station Low Ropes Course

Fly Over

Check out this 12-station platform in Dalton, PA

Barnyard Challenge

Discover the barnyard challenge at Kuipers in Maple Park, IL